Wasn't it Robert Burns who said," The best laid plans of men and mice oft go astray."? Well, it's close enough for government work. Most of you are probably aware that our travel plans are put on hold for 2008 due to a family wedding. It seems like Lizzie and Josh will do more traveling this year than Susan and I.
The big day is November 8th
. Currently plans are for a wedding of epic proportions. Maybe "epic proportions" is a little over the top, but it's going to be a great time, even if it means that the trp to Italy will take a little longer to put together.

It doesn't mean that there is no travel in the offing, but we'll be focusing on the domestic side of things for a while. This Fall, it looks like North Dakota (mid America Print Council), Tennessee (college reunion which I swore I'd never go to) and hopefully New England (some long overdue sales calls) are on the top of the list.
Regular trips to Springfield and Washington, DC are soon coming to an end (January 9th to be specific), and our lives will soon be our own again.
Nonetheless - keep thinking about joining us in Italy. We'll be refining the itinery until it's as close to perfect as we can get it.
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